client services include comprehensive approval of the internal
control system followed by their establishments in order to
identify their points of weakness, and prepare control
procedures for addressing the points of weakness in so far as
increased effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control
system will be guaranteed.
Some establishments, particularly small enterprises, might not
have an internal audit system, and will subsequently resort to
professional firms specialized in this field for implementing
internal auditing.
TSD Auditing Consultants provide their clients with this service
at their discretion, and perform internal auditing according to
the internationally recognized standards, prepare regular
reports on the results of internal audit, and highlight the
major problems from which TSD clients establishments are
suffering, and on which they should concentrate.
TSD proposes theoretical and practical solutions for those
challenges to ensure improved performance of such establishments
along with efficient and effective utilization of available
resources towards realizing their objectives, increasing its
profitability and in order to guarantee that it is keeping pace
with establishments of similar activity.